& Part­ners & Part­ners

Learn more about and its European qua­li­fied and spe­cia­li­zed part­ners in the yach­t­ing indus­try. Here’s a glim­p­se of why we’re your first point of con­tact for Yach­t­ing in Euroa.

Who is

Yach­t­ing  Sin­ce 2006 in Euro­pe It’s not just a job, it’s a desti­ny con­trol­led from HAMBURG & Ams­ter­dam What is We are your first point of con­tact in Euro­pe for almost all ques­ti­ons and ser­vices rela­ting to your yacht. We offer ever­ything your heart desi­res in yach­t­ing, and spe­cia­li­ze in motor and sai­ling yachts of 10 to 45m (approx. 30–150ft). has a strong net­work throughout Euro­pe that inclu­des hand­pi­cked and cer­ti­fied part­ners who work with us to sup­port you in ever­ything con­cer­ning your yacht. Our expe­ri­en­ced teams are always avail­ab­le to assist you at our loca­ti­ons and online. How do I bene­fit from is your part­ner, com­pa­n­ion, and your per­so­nal con­tact for all your ques­ti­ons, wis­hes and requi­re­ments con­cer­ning your yacht. is your one-stop shop. Our qua­li­fied staff are the­re to pro­vi­de a fair, stress free and per­so­na­li­zed ser­vice. The result is a rea­dy-to-use and, above all, high-qua­li­ty ser­vice. At we always act in the best inte­rest of our cli­ents. We pro­tect the inte­rests and qua­li­ty demands of our custo­mers when dealing with shi­py­ards, ports, per­son­nel and exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders. At we also rep­re­sent our cli­ents to pro­vi­de them with com­ple­te sup­port, inclu­ding for pro­ject work rela­ting to yach­t­ing in Euro­pe. You can be sure that we work with com­ple­te dis­cre­ti­on: Your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on remains with us and we are abso­lute­ly dis­creet with third par­ties. What is the histo­ry of – com­ple­te yacht care for Euro­pe – was foun­ded in 2006 by our cur­rent CEO and yachts­man, Lars Schup­pe. For deca­des his pas­si­on has been sea­fa­ring, yach­t­ing and the deve­lop­ment and imple­men­ta­ti­on of armo­red or self-righ­t­ing pro­tec­tion yachts. In addi­ti­on, he has been actively invol­ved in the work on sea res­cue ships (// SAR Ves­sels) in the North Sea and Bal­tic Seas for about 10 years. As a pri­va­te yacht owner, he has a keen sen­se of what is important when it comes to one’s own yacht. Our ser­vice qua­li­ty is down to his many years of expe­ri­ence and his know-how. With the take­over of Ltd & Co KG, also foun­ded by Lars Schup­pe, we have expan­ded our know-how, inclu­ding working in the com­mer­ci­al sec­tor and the pro­cu­re­ment of mate­ri­als. What makes your ide­al part­ner throughout Euro­pe? Sin­ce 2006, we have deve­lo­ped a vast, care­ful­ly selec­ted net­work of con­tac­ts. We work clo­se­ly tog­e­ther with various manu­fac­tu­rers, sup­pliers, nau­ti­cal spe­cia­lists, naval deve­lo­pers, engi­neers, inspec­tors, cap­tains, skip­pers, legal advi­sers, tax advi­sers, nota­ries, crews, ser­vice pro­vi­ders and European shi­py­ards. Given this wealth of know­ledge, we can ans­wer almost all your ques­ti­ons about yachts in Euro­pe. We also offer and arran­ge various ser­vices, inclu­ding the simp­le ser­vicing of your yacht, as well as the con­struc­tion of luxu­ry yachts and armo­red and self-righ­t­ing ships for the com­mer­ci­al or pri­va­te sec­tor, to name but a few. We offer a fast, dis­creet and com­pe­tent ser­vice. How do we gua­ran­tee qua­li­ty? Sin­ce 2016 has been regis­te­red as a Ger­man ship­buil­der, cer­ti­fied accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 10087 with the manu­fac­tu­rer iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on “YSS”. We are regis­te­red with the DBSV (Ger­man Boat and Ship­buil­ding Asso­cia­ti­on) for deve­lo­ping and con­struc­ting new yachts. We select qua­li­fied ser­vice part­ners and sup­pliers accord­ing to our own, high qua­li­ty stan­dards. This array of ser­vices and part­ners, com­bi­ned with an enthu­si­asm for yachts, ensu­res we deli­ver on trust, qua­li­ty and value. What ser­vices can I get from At we offer the fol­lo­wing ser­vices to our custo­mers, eit­her direc­t­ly or through cer­ti­fied con­tac­ts and selec­ted inter­me­dia­ries: A com­pre­hen­si­ve con­sul­ting ser­vice for all yach­t­ing needs and que­ries wit­hin Euro­pe • Yacht tech­no­lo­gy, cal­cu­la­ti­ons and con­struc­tion • Naval design • Ship­buil­ding for luxu­ry yachts and spe­cial com­mer­ci­al ships • Retro­fit­ting and modi­fi­ca­ti­on of yachts and ships • Pro­fes­sio­nal upgra­ding of yachts • Pro­fes­sio­nal modi­fi­ca­ti­ons to ships and yachts • Recon­struc­tion of ships and yachts • Ship and yacht repairs of all kinds • Pro­fes­sio­nal yacht pain­ting and var­nis­hing • Con­struc­tion and pro­ject super­vi­si­on • Skip­per ser­vices for trans­fers and holi­day crui­ses • Assi­s­tan­ce on insuran­ce enqui­ries • Pro­cu­re­ment of cer­ti­fied yacht inspec­tors and sur­veyors • Orga­ni­za­ti­on, bro­ke­rage and exe­cu­ti­on of yacht trans­fers • Advice on and bro­ke­rage of yacht finan­ce • Advice and sup­port for yacht purcha­ses • Advice on and bro­ke­rage of yacht sales • Yacht care and moni­to­ring • Crew manage­ment • European yacht ser­vicing • Shi­py­ard and port agen­cy ser­vices • Sup­ply­ing of yacht parts (Euro­pe-wide) • Agen­cy ser­vices for yachts, jets, vehi­cles and more • Exclu­si­ve pri­va­te ser­vices for yach­t­ing • Event manage­ment and staff recruit­ment • Pro­fes­sio­nal safe­ty trai­ning for crews and owners Do you have any ques­ti­ons about our ser­vices? Then get in touch – we are always hap­py to help.The European Team

Part­ner of

Affi­ni­ty to yach­t­ing all part­ners a mot­to It’s not just a job, it’s a desti­ny qua­li­fi­zier­te und zer­ti­fi­zier­te Part­ner Our part­ners? Hones­ty, fair­ness and qua­li­ty are the cor­ner­stones of trust, well-being and good rela­ti­ons­hips. This app­lies both in pri­va­te life and in busi­ness. As in life, each part­ner brings their spe­cial skills to the pro­ject in order to achie­ve a good result tog­e­ther. is your first point of con­tact for all ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning yachts in Euro­pe is the­re­fo­re always stri­ving to main­tain a high qua­li­ty part­ner net­work and to con­stant­ly impro­ve it. We only enter into part­nerships with selec­ted, reli­able part­ners who have demons­tra­ted in real pro­jec­ts that they have expe­ri­ence in their field. How do the­se part­nerships bene­fit me? can draw on more than 50 years’ expe­ri­ence and a broad spec­trum of know­ledge in almost all are­as of yach­t­ing tog­e­ther with its part­ners. Rather than focu­sing on pro­fits and sales, we work to gua­ran­tee a fair, rea­dy-to-use ser­vice for our cli­ents. We are only satis­fied when our team are able to pro­vi­de a ser­vice for your yacht that meets all your expec­ta­ti­ons. Want to beco­me a part­ner in the net­work? Are you a European com­pa­ny with high-qua­li­ty ser­vice that is pas­sio­na­te about yach­t­ing? Do you want to offer your ser­vices addi­tio­nal­ly via the net­work? Then plea­se con­tact us today!

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