pos­tal address:

R2D2 Con­ti­nen­tal Yachts Ltd.
Neu­er Wall 10
20354 Ham­burg / Ger­ma­ny

con­tact info

pho­ne nr.:   +49 40 60 77 52 88-0
fax-nr.:        +49 40 60 77 52 88-9
Whats­App: +49 40 60 77 52 880 Lars Schup­pe is a mem­ber of the DBSV  Ger­man Boat and Ship Buil­der Asso­cia­ti­on and is listed with the manu­fac­tu­rer code “YSS” accord­ing to DIN EN ISO 10087.


Legal Pro­vi­der Infor­ma­ti­on
„“  is a brand label of:

R2D2 Con­ti­nen­tal Yachts Ltd.
69 Gre­at Hamp­ton Street
B18 6EW
pho­ne: +44 20 3966 5894
Com­pa­ny is regis­te­red under
No.11476142 in Regis­trar
for Eng­land and Wales
Direc­tor: Mr. Lars Schup­pe
EU-Tax Free Com­pa­ny

In case of ques­ti­ons, sug­ges­ti­ons, claims, hints or even misun­derstan­dings or rights vio­la­ti­ons, a pri­or noti­fi­ca­ti­on via e-mail or post to R2D2 Con­ti­ne­tal Yachts ltd. essen­ti­al for a con­sen­su­al cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on. An optio­nal cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on is also pos­si­ble via the online dis­pu­te reso­lu­ti­on office

Limi­ta­ti­on of lia­bi­li­ty for inter­nal con­tent
The con­tent of our web­site has been com­pi­led with meti­cu­lous care and to the best of our know­ledge. Howe­ver, we can­not assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for the up-to-dateness, com­ple­teness or accu­ra­cy of any of the pages.

Pur­suant to sec­tion 7, para. 1 of the TMG (Tele­me­di­en­ge­setz – Tele Media Act by Ger­man law), we as ser­vice pro­vi­ders are liable for our own con­tent on the­se pages in accordance with gene­ral laws. Howe­ver, pur­suant to sec­tions 8 to 10 of the TMG, we as ser­vice pro­vi­ders are not under obli­ga­ti­on to moni­tor exter­nal infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded or stored on our web­site. Once we have beco­me awa­re of a spe­ci­fic infrin­ge­ment of the law, we will imme­dia­te­ly remo­ve the con­tent in ques­ti­on. Any lia­bi­li­ty con­cer­ning this mat­ter can only be assu­med from the point in time at which the infrin­ge­ment beco­mes known to us.

Limi­ta­ti­on of lia­bi­li­ty for exter­nal links
Our web­site con­tains links to the web­sites of third par­ties („exter­nal links“). As the con­tent of the­se web­sites is not under our con­trol, we can­not assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for such exter­nal con­tent. In all cases, the pro­vi­der of infor­ma­ti­on of the lin­ked web­sites is liable for the con­tent and accu­ra­cy of the infor­ma­ti­on pro­vi­ded. At the point in time when the links were pla­ced, no infrin­ge­ments of the law were reco­gnis­able to us. As soon as an infrin­ge­ment of the law beco­mes known to us, we will imme­dia­te­ly remo­ve the link in ques­ti­on.

The con­tent and works published on this web­site are gover­ned by the copy­right laws of Ger­ma­ny. Any dupli­ca­ti­on, pro­ces­sing, dis­tri­bu­ti­on or any form of uti­li­sa­ti­on bey­ond the scope of copy­right law shall requi­re the pri­or writ­ten con­sent of the aut­hor or aut­hors in ques­ti­on. This site uses by purcha­sed and licen­sed images and texts from third-par­ty sup­pliers and crea­tors, upon request, with a request to under spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­on of the appro­pria­te media, the valid usa­ge licen­se by be made avail­ab­le.

Data pro­tec­tion
A visit to our web­site can result in the sto­rage on our ser­ver of infor­ma­ti­on about the access (date, time, page acces­sed). This does not rep­re­sent any ana­ly­sis of per­so­nal data (e.g., name, address or e-mail address). If per­so­nal data are collec­ted, this only occurs – to the extent pos­si­ble – with the pri­or con­sent of the user of the web­site. Any for­war­ding of the data to third par­ties wit­hout the express con­sent of the user shall not take place.

We would like to express­ly point out that the trans­mis­si­on of data via the Inter­net (e.g., by e-mail) can offer secu­ri­ty vul­nera­bi­li­ties. It is the­re­fo­re impos­si­ble to safe­guard the data com­ple­te­ly against access by third par­ties. We can­not assu­me any lia­bi­li­ty for damages ari­sing as a result of such secu­ri­ty vul­nera­bi­li­ties.

The use by third par­ties of all published con­tact details for the pur­po­se of adver­ti­sing is express­ly exclu­ded. We reser­ve the right to take legal steps in the case of the unso­li­ci­ted sen­ding of adver­ti­sing infor­ma­ti­on; e.g., by means of spam mail.

More infor­ma­ti­on about pri­va­cy, terms of use and legal can be found on our “Pri­va­cy Page”

More infor­ma­ti­on on the tre­at­ment of coo­kies can be found on our “Coo­kie Ppa­ge”

Your Team