Boat ren­tals, yacht char­ters, pri­va­te jets, heli­cop­ter shut­tles, exclu­si­ve vehi­cles, VIP trans­fers, pro­tec­tion trans­fers, yacht shut­tles and dis­creet per­so­nal trans­fers are just some of the custo­mer-ori­en­ted extra luxu­ry mari­ti­me ser­vices pro­vi­ded by and its part­ners.


Yacht char­ters
The yacht char­ter and boat ren­tal ser­vice pro­vi­ded by and its European part­ners is tailo­red to the customer’s needs. You can choo­se from 15m sai­ling or motor yachts in the North and Bal­tic Sea for free use, 25m sai­ling or motor yachts inclu­ding skip­per for pri­va­te crui­ses or luxu­ry yachts star­ting at 25m. This also inclu­des crews and peop­le for addi­tio­nal enter­tain­ment as well as access­ories and a secu­ri­ty level of your choice, along­si­de anything else nee­ded for a luxu­rious and safe crui­se from or wit­hin Euro­pe. In addi­ti­on, optio­nal mari­ti­me access­ories such as ten­ders, RIBs, sub­ma­ri­nes, kites, jet skis, diving equip­ment and much more can be orde­red.

Pri­va­te jet char­ter
The team is your con­tact for char­te­ring pri­va­te jets and heli­cop­ters in Euro­pe and bey­ond. offers exclu­si­ve VIP trans­fer of pas­sen­gers to the yacht, avail­ab­le as an extra which is very popu­lar among custo­mers. Admi­nis­tra­ti­ve and logisti­cal plan­ning of exclu­si­ve VIP trans­fers, for examp­le from the office door to the yacht – all invi­si­ble to the custo­mer – is car­ri­ed out by renow­ned part­ners from the pri­va­te jet char­ter sec­tor. The­se part­ners have often been in busi­ness for deca­des and know their tra­de. If requi­red, the custo­mer can also book spe­cial jets in various sizes and designs, such as a small King Air 200, a Gulfstream G650 or a spa­cious Boe­ing 787 VIP. All con­form to the hig­hest safe­ty stan­dards and inclu­de world­wi­de dri­ving ser­vices or addi­tio­nal heli­cop­ter trans­fers. If requi­red, can add a mari­ti­me touch to this ser­vice and turn trans­fers into a uni­que expe­ri­ence.

VIP vehi­cle ren­tal
The team tog­e­ther with its spe­cia­li­zed part­ners can pro­vi­de spe­cial vehi­cles with optio­nal pro­tec­tion as well as exclu­si­ve vehi­cles such as sports cars and luxu­ry vehi­cles of any kind as ren­tal cars for custo­mers from the mari­ti­me sec­tor. Spe­cial atten­ti­on is paid to custo­mer-spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments from the mari­ti­me sec­tor at the respec­tive yacht hot­spots.

Help / Con­tact
if you have con­cerns, ques­ti­ons, sug­ges­ti­ons or requests for help, the team is always at your side. Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty towards third par­ties is one of the first rules that has impo­sed. So do not hesi­ta­te and con­tact us today!

sui­ta­ble ser­vices

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