

Yacht & ship con­struc­tion, yacht modi­fi­ca­ti­ons, naval design, res­to­ra­ti­on, inde­pen­dent con­struc­tion con­sul­ting, pro­ject moni­to­ring and yacht engi­nee­ring are just some of the ser­vices that YachtSupport.de can pro­vi­de tog­e­ther with its cer­ti­fied part­ners. Learn more about the spe­cia­li­zed ser­vices in this cate­go­ry here or con­tact YachtSupport.de direc­t­ly.


Yacht & ship buil­ding, semi-custom models, bul­let­pro­of all-wea­ther yachts. After a detail­ed needs ana­ly­sis, the YachtSupport.de team pro­vi­des objec­tive and inde­pen­dent advice that always focu­ses on the customer’s inte­rests and needs. YachtSupport.de’s con­struc­tion con­sul­ting is always based on the three cor­ner­stones qua­li­ty, know-how and crea­ti­vi­ty. SERVICE-DETAILS Ves­sel Con­struc­tion Con­sul­ting The idea of buil­ding a new yacht is accom­pa­nied by many ques­ti­ons. Refer­ring to such a pro­ject YachtSupport.de is also your first con­tact address. At YachtSupport.de the sup­port always starts with an honest and con­sis­tent ana­ly­sis of needs of the customer’s request or of the cur­rent pro­ject.


Naval archi­tec­tu­re, yacht engi­nee­ring & con­struc­tion, mari­ti­me engi­neer ser­vices, con­struc­tion of com­mer­ci­al ships & yachts of any kind, custom-made con­struc­tions. For the best pos­si­ble results, YachtSupport.de acts here as hub and “trans­la­tor” bet­ween engi­neers and custo­mers. You can rely on the many years of expe­ri­ence of YachtSupport.de. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht engi­nee­ring YachtSupport.de is also your first con­tact for yacht engi­nee­ring, naval archi­tec­tu­re, and for mari­ti­me con­struc­tion and cal­cu­la­ti­on pro­jec­ts of any kind. Our engi­nee­ring ser­vice is based on the expe­ri­ence of foun­der Lars Schup­pe and his team, who over the last deca­de have gai­ned insights into nume­rous


Naval design, ship and yacht design, bul­let­pro­of all-wea­ther yachts, 3D rep­re­sen­ta­ti­on of mari­ti­me designs and con­struc­tions, naval archi­tec­tu­re and engi­nee­ring, semi/full custom yachts. With naval design, YachtSupport.de turns your ide­as and visi­ons into rea­li­ty – from the vir­tu­al model to the finis­hed yacht. SERVICE-DETAILS Naval Design At YachtSupport.de we main­tain a net­work of selec­ted part­ners in the field of “naval design”. The­se part­ners have suc­cess­ful­ly made a name for them­sel­ves in the indus­try over deca­des and have been invol­ved in hund­reds of ship and yacht designs, from visu­al pro­po­sals to pro­ject imple­men­ta­ti­on. Our design ser­vices are


New con­struc­tion of yachts and ships, pri­va­te & com­mer­ci­al ships, self-righ­t­ing pro­tec­tion yachts; sai­ling, hybrid and per­for­mance yachts, explo­rers, and Medi­ter­ra­ne­an motor yachts. After an in-depth needs ana­ly­sis, YachtSupport.de tog­e­ther with its Ger­man and Dutch part­ners imple­ment the customer’s ide­as and visi­ons for a new yacht or ship of the hig­hest qua­li­ty. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht and Ship new Con­struc­tions Do you have an idea or a con­cre­te new buil­ding pro­ject? Then YachtSupport.de is your per­fect place to go. Tog­e­ther with our cer­ti­fied and pro­fes­sio­nal net­work, we’ll assist you in every pos­si­ble way in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of new


Pro­ject sup­port and if requi­red direct and inde­pen­dent pro­ject moni­to­ring and manage­ment. Gua­ran­te­ed stan­dards, qua­li­ty, sche­du­ling and costs as well as moni­to­ring of agreed ser­vices from exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­ders or shi­py­ards. SERVICE-DETAILS Arm’s-length pro­ject moni­to­ring With arm’s-length pro­ject moni­to­ring, YachtSupport.de tog­e­ther with its part­ners pro­vi­des the custo­mer with sui­ta­ble inde­pen­dent spe­cia­lists for their pro­ject. The­se spe­cia­lists pro­vi­de the exter­nal ser­vice pro­vi­der, the shi­py­ard invol­ved and the custo­mer with objec­tive tech­ni­cal infor­ma­ti­on during the cour­se of a pro­ject so that the customer’s wis­hes can be imple­men­ted in the best pos­si­ble way. Pro­ject sup­port thus takes the form


YachtSupport.de and pro­fes­sio­nal Part­ners: Modi­fi­ca­ti­ons –from cos­me­tic to struc­tu­ral – to yachts & mari­ti­me access­ories of any kind. SERVICE-DETAILS Modi­fi­ca­ti­ons YachtSupport.de tog­e­ther with its part­ners is your first con­tact in Euro­pe for all ques­ti­ons regar­ding the imple­men­ta­ti­on of yacht modi­fi­ca­ti­ons of any kind or modi­fi­ca­ti­ons to mari­ti­me access­ories. YachtSupport.de has crea­ted an inter­face bet­ween naval desi­gners, archi­tec­ts, con­struc­tors and spe­cia­li­zed 3D artists, who can visua­li­ze rea­li­ze every custo­mer idea in advan­ce. This enab­les a fast and high qua­li­ty imple­men­ta­ti­on of almost every chan­ge or exten­si­on to yachts, ships and mari­ti­me access­ories ima­gin­ab­le and tech­ni­cal­ly fea­si­ble. Examp­les


Yacht recon­struc­tions and ship res­to­ra­ti­ons of any kind (true to the ori­gi­nal or modi­fied), crea­ti­on of new or revi­sed on-board and con­struc­tion docu­ments – all based on rebuild yacht engi­nee­ring. Yachts res­to­red by YachtSupport.de are tech­ni­cal­ly and qua­li­ta­tively at least as good as the for­mer ori­gi­nal. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht Rebuild Yachtsupport.de is also your best con­tact for the plan­ning and imple­men­ta­ti­on of yacht recon­struc­tions and ship res­to­ra­ti­ons of any kind, whe­ther you want a ves­sel true to the ori­gi­nal or some­thing high­ly modi­fied. Plan We offer detail­ed plan­ning and exten­si­ve con­sul­ta­ti­on in the con­cep­ti­on pha­se, inclu­ding the

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