Tested and cer­ti­fied European yacht skip­pers and mul­ti-talen­ted skip­pers for sup­port, trans­fers, trai­ning and as back­up for crews and owners or for pri­va­te crui­ses.


Yacht skip­pers
Pro­vi­ding cer­ti­fied yacht skip­pers that suit you and your needs is a core ser­vice of The­se skip­pers are hand-picked sailors, cap­tains or yacht owners who are at home at sea and have many years of expe­ri­ence. They hold all the necessa­ry nau­ti­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, meet the high stan­dards of and have out­stan­ding skills, ensu­ring the safe ope­ra­ti­on and com­ple­te manage­ment your yacht.
In addi­ti­on, skip­pers stand out with their excel­lent know­ledge of the diver­se sai­ling are­as in Euro­pe, their gre­at soci­al skills, and their expe­ri­ence of having sai­led thousands of miles in a wide varie­ty of yacht types and wea­ther con­di­ti­ons. offers you a choice of pre-selec­ted skip­pers that are per­fec­t­ly tailo­red to your requi­re­ments.

Mul­ti­ta­len­ted Skip­pers
Hiring mul­ti-talen­ted skip­pers for 32–130ft yachts for both the short- and long-term is beco­m­ing more and more popu­lar among yacht owners in Euro­pe. The­se mul­ti-talen­ted skip­pers can dri­ve and mana­ge a ship on their own and have excel­lent qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons in tech­no­lo­gy, nau­ti­cal skills, yacht safe­ty and com­ple­te yacht care. The­se skip­pers’ ver­sa­ti­le skills are fur­ther enhan­ced by the spe­cial trai­ning cour­se deve­lo­ped by based on years of expe­ri­ence in sea res­cue, making them your best choice.

Do you have ques­ti­ons, sug­ges­ti­ons or ide­as? Then do not hesi­ta­te to con­tact the team.

sui­ta­ble ser­vices

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