Objec­tive purcha­se advice for second-hand yachts inclu­ding a per­so­nal and detail­ed needs ana­ly­sis. Thanks to their long expe­ri­ence, YachtSupport.de and its part­ners can eva­lua­te and app­rai­se second-hand yachts for you. This inclu­des che­cking the over­all con­di­ti­on, pos­si­ble repairs, logisti­cal & admi­nis­tra­ti­ve chal­len­ges, valua­ti­ons and cal­cu­la­ti­ons of time and costs.


Yacht buyer’s gui­de
YachtSupport.com is also your first con­tact in all ques­ti­ons about buy­ing a second-hand or new yacht for the use in Euro­pe. In the second-hand mar­ket in par­ti­cu­lar, the choice of yachts and ships for purcha­se can be over­whel­ming, and purcha­sing wit­hout an objec­tive spe­cia­list is not recom­men­ded. Our team and part­ners have the necessa­ry exper­ti­se and expe­ri­ence in this field. We are hap­py to assist pro­s­pec­tive yacht buy­ers in an advi­so­ry capa­ci­ty and can also com­ple­te the purcha­se on behalf of the custo­mer.

Per­so­nal needs ana­ly­sis
One of the most dif­fi­cult yet important tasks befo­re viewing or buy­ing a yacht is a detail­ed needs ana­ly­sis. This inclu­des, for examp­le, the pur­po­se of use, value pre­ser­va­ti­on, main­ten­an­ce costs, sai­ling are­as, clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on, per­for­mance and, above all, the per­so­nal tas­te of the buy­er, to name just a few con­si­de­ra­ti­ons when loo­king for a sui­ta­ble yacht. The advice of an inde­pen­dent, objec­tive, expe­ri­en­ced and above all dis­creet part­ner is indis­pensable here.

Selec­tion of sui­ta­ble yachts
The Yachtsupport.de team and our part­ners sup­port the pro­s­pec­tive buy­er in the pre-selec­tion of desi­red yachts sui­ta­ble for their pur­po­se. We help with the ownership struc­tu­re, mar­ket value, regis­tra­ti­ons and yacht docu­ments as well as the must be cla­ri­fied befo­re inspec­tion appoint­ments of a sui­ta­ble yacht are agreed and car­ri­ed out.

Objec­tive inspec­tion
YachtSupport.de’s lar­ge European part­ner net­work inclu­des inspec­tors, app­rai­sers, finan­ci­al com­pa­nies, crews, asso­cia­ti­ons, lawy­ers, tax lawy­ers as well as renow­ned bro­kers and shi­py­ards. This, pai­red with deca­des of expe­ri­ence, enab­les us to pro­vi­de pro­fes­sio­nal and objec­tive eva­lua­ti­ons and app­raisals of sui­ta­ble yachts. Tasks inclu­de a gene­ral con­di­ti­on of the yacht, inspec­tions, valua­ti­ons, repairs, time cal­cu­la­ti­ons and logisti­cal and admi­nis­tra­ti­ve chal­len­ges, all of which are care­ful­ly dealt with befo­re purcha­se.

The bene­fits of our yacht purcha­se con­sul­ting
Lea­ving objec­tive purcha­se advice and, if necessa­ry, the hand­ling of the purcha­se to the YachtSupport.de team and our part­ners saves poten­ti­al buy­ers valu­able time and money. It also mini­mi­zes the hass­les of a yacht purcha­se: the often ner­ve-racking pre-selec­tion and exhaus­ting nego­tia­ti­ons with the sel­ler, not to men­ti­on the unplea­sant sur­pri­ses. The YachtSupport.de team always rep­res­ents the inte­rests and wis­hes of our cli­ents, working with abso­lu­te secrecy and pro­tec­ting them from any incon­ve­ni­en­ce.

help/ con­tact
If you have con­cerns, ques­ti­ons, sug­ges­ti­ons or requests for help, the YachtSupport.de team is always at your side. Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty towards third par­ties is one of the first rules that YachtSupport.de has impo­sed. So do not hesi­ta­te and con­tact us today!

sui­ta­ble ser­vices

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