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Purcha­se & sales con­sul­ta­ti­on, inspec­tors, yacht finan­ce, yacht trans­fers, regis­tra­ti­on, insuran­ces, skip­pers, refits and loca­ti­on con­sul­ta­ti­on are only some of the ser­vices in this cate­go­ry that YachtSupport.de can pro­vi­de for you. Learn more about the spe­cia­li­zed ser­vices in this cate­go­ry here or con­tact YachtSupport.de direc­t­ly.


Tested and cer­ti­fied European yacht skip­pers and mul­ti-talen­ted skip­pers for sup­port, trans­fers, trai­ning and as back­up for crews and owners or for pri­va­te crui­ses. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht skip­pers Pro­vi­ding cer­ti­fied yacht skip­pers that suit you and your needs is a core ser­vice of YachtSupport.de. The­se skip­pers are hand-picked sailors, cap­tains or yacht owners who are at home at sea and have many years of expe­ri­ence. They hold all the necessa­ry nau­ti­cal cer­ti­fi­ca­tes, meet the high stan­dards of YachtSupport.de and have out­stan­ding skills, ensu­ring the safe ope­ra­ti­on and com­ple­te manage­ment your yacht. In addi­ti­on, YachtSupport.de skip­pers stand out


Pro­cu­re­ment of spe­cia­li­zed inde­pen­dent inspec­tors and sur­veyors in Euro­pe for yachts, inte­riors and tech­no­lo­gy. This ser­vice is pro­vi­ded in a con­fi­den­ti­al, per­so­nal, fair, trans­pa­rent and objec­tive man­ner, tailo­red to the customer's spe­ci­fic requi­re­ments. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht sur­veyors and inspec­tors For this ser­vice, an inde­pen­dent and objec­tive assess­ment is car­ri­ed out in advan­ce by YachtSupport.de and part­ners from the Euro­pe-wide net­work, each having pro­ved their worth over time, befo­re spe­cia­li­zed asses­sors and inspec­tors are com­mis­sio­ned. Initi­al­ly, in-depth spe­cia­list know­ledge is not always requi­red: often an honest and objec­tive app­rai­sal using stan­dard tech­ni­cal know­ledge and rea­son­ab­le docu­men­ta­ti­on is suf­fi­ci­ent


Objec­tive purcha­se advice for second-hand yachts inclu­ding a per­so­nal and detail­ed needs ana­ly­sis. Thanks to their long expe­ri­ence, YachtSupport.de and its part­ners can eva­lua­te and app­rai­se second-hand yachts for you. This inclu­des che­cking the over­all con­di­ti­on, pos­si­ble repairs, logisti­cal & admi­nis­tra­ti­ve chal­len­ges, valua­ti­ons and cal­cu­la­ti­ons of time and costs. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht buyer’s gui­de YachtSupport.com is also your first con­tact in all ques­ti­ons about buy­ing a second-hand or new yacht for the use in Euro­pe. In the second-hand mar­ket in par­ti­cu­lar, the choice of yachts and ships for purcha­se can be over­whel­ming, and purcha­sing wit­hout an objec­tive


Inde­pen­dent objec­tive spe­cia­lists for yacht regis­tra­ti­on and insuran­ce, radio/AIS regis­tra­ti­on and EU customs regu­la­ti­ons, as well as selec­tion of sui­ta­ble trans­port rou­tes, berths, shi­py­ards and bro­ke­rage of sui­ta­ble yacht bro­kers or car­ri­ers. The­se ser­vices are always car­ri­ed out with con­fi­den­tia­li­ty and relia­bi­li­ty with YachtSupport.de’s per­so­nal touch. SERVICE-DETAILS YachtSupport.de is your one-stop shop Wha­te­ver the task: purcha­ses and sales of yachts, yacht trans­fers, yacht modi­fi­ca­ti­ons; updates to nau­ti­cal instru­ments, navi­ga­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy and yacht access­ories sub­ject to regis­tra­ti­on; cer­tain requi­re­ments and regu­la­ti­ons must be obser­ved in Euro­pe – from insu­ring a yacht to the regis­tra­ti­on of life jackets.


Ports & berths, secret berths, sales loca­ti­ons, yacht sei­zu­re, qua­li­fied shi­py­ards, yacht sto­rage and win­ter sto­rage. Thanks to a huge net­work, custo­mer feed­back and its own expe­ri­ence, the YachtSupport.de team can give you recom­men­da­ti­ons for the opti­mal loca­ti­on of your yacht, and also orga­ni­ze and imple­ment the relo­ca­ti­on of your yacht. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht loca­ti­on con­sul­ting The YachtSupport.de team sup­ports its custo­mers all over Euro­pe with advice and orga­ni­za­ti­on regar­ding the ide­al loca­ti­on of your yacht or boat for exe­cu­ting plan­ned pro­jec­ts or necessa­ry work. Sui­ta­ble ports Tog­e­ther with our part­ner net­work the YachtSupport.de team are able


Offer of the sea­son 2019/2020: the­re is free capa­ci­ty for yacht refits at a Dutch luxu­ry yacht yard. Refits like for a new yacht. Pla­ces in the shi­py­ard are sub­ject to avai­la­bi­li­ty. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht refits YachtSupport.de is your first con­tact in Euro­pe for refits, modi­fi­ca­ti­ons, paint­work, repairs, refur­bish­ments and com­ple­te ship res­to­ra­ti­ons. YachtSupport.de has sui­ta­ble and high­ly qua­li­fied part­ners in its net­work for almost every pro­ject in order to also meet the hig­hest requi­re­ments of the custo­mer and to tack­le tri­cky chal­len­ges. Part­ners The loca­ti­ons in Cen­tral Euro­pe inclu­ding Ger­ma­ny and the Nether­lands have pro­ven them­sel­ves


Yacht finan­ce, finan­cing, owner asso­cia­ti­ons, ship mortga­ges, purcha­se & sale, ren­tal & lea­sing, yacht and pro­ject invest­ments, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal tax law. Thanks to the lar­ge num­ber of spe­cia­lists in its net­work, YachtSupport.de can offer you tailor-made solu­ti­ons in all the­se fields – also as a care­free com­ple­te ser­vice packa­ge. SERVICE-DETAILS Advi­so­ry ser­vice for yacht finan­ce YachtSupport.de is your first point of con­tact for plan­ning and orga­ni­zing finan­ci­al pro­jec­ts in the yacht sec­tor. After a pre­ci­se needs ana­ly­sis with the help of sui­ta­ble spe­cia­lists we can offer our custo­mers a com­ple­te func­tio­n­al packa­ge, wit­hout the custo­mer


YachtSupport.de and its part­ners offer pro­fes­sio­nal and effi­ci­ent yacht trans­fers of all kinds: road trans­port, trans­fer by pro­fes­sio­nal skip­per, tug trans­fers, deck car­go, RoRo ship­ping and air trans­port as well as box-to-box ser­vices. The­se methods ensu­re a safe, reli­able and stress-free trans­fer from A to B. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht trans­fers YachtSupport.de is also your first con­tact in Euro­pe for pro­fes­sio­nal yacht trans­fers of used and new yachts, pri­va­te motor & sai­ling yachts as well as hulls. Sin­ce Yachtsupport.de can draw on exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence, local know­ledge and many local con­tac­ts and is con­stant­ly expan­ding its European net­work of


Sales con­sul­ting & assi­s­tan­ce, valua­ti­on, objec­tive mar­ket ana­ly­sis, sales pro­mo­ti­on mea­su­res, upgra­ding and loca­ti­on con­sul­ting. In coope­ra­ti­on with cer­ti­fied part­ners such as bro­kers, finan­ci­al com­pa­nies, sur­veyors and shi­py­ards, YachtSupport.de can deter­mi­ne the best sales loca­ti­on, the sales value of your yacht as well as the need for repairs and upgrades. SERVICE-DETAILS Yacht sales con­sul­ting & sales assi­s­tan­ce YachtSupport.de is your first con­tact for all ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning the sale of a yacht in Euro­pe. The second-hand yacht mar­ket in par­ti­cu­lar, with its nume­rous yacht bro­kers all with dif­fe­rent gui­de­li­nes and con­di­ti­ons, can be con­fu­sing and cum­ber­so­me for

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