Mari­ti­me rela­xa­ti­on, dis­cre­ti­on, pri­va­te VIP ser­vices, secu­ri­ty ser­vices, peop­le for enter­tain­ment, per­so­nal ser­vice, exclu­si­ve trans­fers, logistics and more are per­so­na­li­zed ser­vices that and its spe­cia­li­zed part­ners offer custo­mers with gua­ran­te­ed dis­cre­ti­on and effi­ci­en­cy – all from one source.


Ever­ything from one sup­plier rep­res­ents the owner or cli­ent not only in the admi­nis­tra­ti­on and com­ple­te manage­ment of yachts, but also takes over the com­ple­te care of owners and guests – all ser­vices are tailo­red to the customer’s wis­hes and hand­led with full dis­cre­ti­on.

VIP ser­vices is your first point of con­tact for all per­so­na­li­zed VIP ser­vices in the yacht sec­tor. The­se inclu­de for examp­le exclu­si­ve trans­fers with pri­va­te jets, heli­cop­ter shut­tles, yacht char­ter, exclu­si­ve vehi­cles, spe­cial yacht access­ories and a full con­cier­ge ser­vice. Com­ple­te packa­ges for mari­ti­me expe­ri­en­ces for cli­ents and guests have also beco­me a sought-after ser­vice from in the indus­try.

Secu­ri­ty ser­vices

The ser­vices offe­red by and its part­ners in the field of mari­ti­me safe­ty ser­vices for owners and yachts inclu­de per­so­nal pro­tec­tion, yacht moni­to­ring, safe­ty at sea, safe­ty trai­ning and yacht modi­fi­ca­ti­ons for increa­sed pro­tec­tion. The­se spe­cial ser­vices are given spe­cial atten­ti­on by foun­der Lars Schup­pe. With his yacht label R2D2 Con­ti­nen­tal Yachts Ltd. (, he deve­lops and builds bul­let­pro­of, pira­te-pro­of, self-righ­t­ing all-wea­ther luxu­ry yachts bet­ween 70 and 200 feet, all of which can optio­nal­ly be equip­ped with active defence tech­no­lo­gy.

Spe­cial staf­fing and event plan­ning

Through its spe­cia­li­zed part­ners, the team offers the custo­mer the pro­cu­re­ment or pro­vi­si­on of addi­tio­nal per­son­nel such as pri­va­te chefs, per­so­nal trai­ners, spe­cial crew mem­bers, guests, per­so­nal escorts as well as the plan­ning of events and cele­bra­ti­ons on board – all in accordance with the needs and wis­hes of the custo­mer.

Dis­cre­ti­on & Con­fi­den­tia­li­ty
One of the most important rules that the team and its part­ners live by is secrecy and abso­lu­te dis­cre­ti­on for cli­ents. You can be sure that no infor­ma­ti­on will leak out. The­se ser­vices are some of the most sought-after in the indus­try, even for very dis­cre­te pro­jec­ts.

dis­cre­te con­tact
For con­cerns, sug­ges­ti­ons or requests, the team is avail­ab­le 24/7 with a very per­so­nal advi­sor if nee­ded. You can also reach this ser­vice dis­creet­ly via Whats­App: +49 40 6077 52 88-0 or all con­tact chan­nels spe­ci­fied on the page.

rela­ted ser­vices

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