Coo­kie usa­ge“ is a Label from:

R2D2 Con­ti­nen­tal Yachts Ltd.
69 Gre­at Hamp­ton Street
B18 6EW
Tele­fon: +44 20 3966 5894
Com­pa­ny is regis­te­red under
No.11476142 in Regis­trar
for Eng­land and Wales
Direc­tor: Mr. Lars Schup­pe
EU-Tax Free Com­pa­ny

Coo­kie usa­ge
Pri­va­cy and Coo­kie Noti­ce

Coo­kies Coo­kies are text files that are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly stored in the brow­ser of the visi­tor when a web­site is cal­led up. This web­site uses coo­kies to make the offer user-fri­end­ly and func­tio­n­al. Thanks to the­se files, for examp­le, it is pos­si­ble to dis­play infor­ma­ti­on tailo­red to indi­vi­du­al inte­rests on one page. Secu­ri­ty-rela­ted fea­tures to pro­tect your pri­va­cy are also made pos­si­ble by the use of coo­kies. The exclu­si­ve pur­po­se is to tailor our offe­rings to your customer’s wis­hes and to make the site use as com­for­ta­ble as pos­si­ble. With the app­li­ca­ti­on of the DSGVO 2018, web­mas­ters are obli­ged to fol­low the basic regu­la­ti­on published under and to inform their users accord­in­gly about the collec­tion and eva­lua­ti­on of data. The law­ful­ness of the pro­ces­sing is jus­ti­fied in Chap­ter 2, Arti­cle 6 of the GDPR. Goog­le Ana­ly­tics This offer also uses the web ana­ly­tics ser­vice Goog­le Ana­ly­tics, a pro­gram of Goog­le Inc. (“Goog­le, USA”). The infor­ma­ti­on collec­ted by tracking your use of this web­site is stored on a Goog­le ser­ver in the United Sta­tes. Through a so-cal­led IP anony­mi­za­ti­on, your IP address will be shor­ten­ed befo­re­hand by Goog­le wit­hin mem­ber sta­tes of the European Uni­on or in other con­trac­ting sta­tes of the Agree­ment on the European Eco­no­mic Area. Thus, the loca­ti­on of your brow­ser is only regio­nal assi­gnab­le, but not their per­son. Goog­le can eva­lua­te visi­tor beha­vi­or to com­pi­le reports on web­site activi­ty. Other ser­vices rela­ted to web­site activi­ty and inter­net usa­ge can also be pro­vi­ded to the web­site ope­ra­tor.

Face­book plugins (like but­ton)
This site uses Like but­tons from the Face­book soci­al net­work (Face­book Inc., 1601 Wil­low Road, Men­lo Park, Cali­for­nia, 94025, USA). When you visit our pages, the soci­al sharing plugin crea­tes a con­nec­tion bet­ween the brow­ser and Face­book. Face­book recei­ves infor­ma­ti­on about the usa­ge beha­vi­or on the web­site. By cli­cking the “Like-But­ton” while you are log­ged into your Face­book account, the con­tents of our pages can be lin­ked to your Face­book pro­fi­le. The ope­ra­tor of this web­site has no pos­si­bi­li­ty of access to trans­mit­ted data, as well as no know­ledge about their use by Face­book. If you do not wish Face­book to asso­cia­te your visit to our pages with your Face­book account, plea­se log out of your Face­book user account.

This site also uses retar­ge­ting tech­no­lo­gy to tar­get adver­ti­sers on our part­ners’ web­sites who are alrea­dy inte­rested in our pro­duc­ts. The dis­play of the adver­ti­sing mate­ri­al takes place during retar­ge­ting on the basis of a coo­kie, which is set when a pro­duct page is cal­led up. Of cour­se, no per­so­nal data are stored in this case, and of cour­se, the use of retar­ge­ting tech­no­lo­gy takes place in com­pli­an­ce with the app­li­ca­ble legal data pro­tec­tion regu­la­ti­ons. If you do not want to recei­ve inte­rest-based adver­ti­sing, you can dis­able visi­tors’ use of coo­kies by Goog­le by viewing the ad pre­fe­ren­ces. Alter­na­tively, your visi­tors may opt out of third-par­ty coo­kies by visi­t­ing the opt-out page of the Net­work Adver­ti­sing Initia­ti­ve. Comments When visi­tors wri­te comments on the site, we collect the data dis­play­ed in the com­ment form, as well as the visitor’s IP address and the user-agent string (which iden­ti­fies the brow­ser) to detect spam sup­port. From your email address, you can crea­te an anony­mous string (cal­led a hash) and sub­mit it to the Gra­va­tar ser­vice to see if you’re using it. The pri­va­cy poli­cy of the Gra­va­tar ser­vice can be found here: Once your com­ment is sha­red, your pro­fi­le pic­tu­re will be publicly visi­ble in the con­text of your com­ment. When you post a com­ment on our web­site, it may be a con­sent to save your name, email address and web­site in coo­kies. This is a con­ve­ni­en­ce fea­ture so you do not have to re-enter all this data if you wri­te ano­t­her com­ment. The­se coo­kies are stored for one year. Your pri­va­cy poli­cy If you have an account on this web­site or have writ­ten comments, you may request that we export your per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on to us, inclu­ding any data you have pro­vi­ded to us. In addi­ti­on, you may request the dele­ti­on of any per­so­nal infor­ma­ti­on we have stored about you. This does not inclu­de the data we need to retain for admi­nis­tra­ti­ve, legal or secu­ri­ty-rela­ted needs. In this case, you can send your e-mail to the con­tact address sta­ted in the imprint. Name the web­site whe­re you left your com­ment. We then check if infor­ma­ti­on has been saved for the sen­der email address and, if necessa­ry, send you com­ple­te data export