New con­struc­tion of yachts and ships, pri­va­te & com­mer­ci­al ships, self-righ­t­ing pro­tec­tion yachts; sai­ling, hybrid and per­for­mance yachts, explo­rers, and Medi­ter­ra­ne­an motor yachts. After an in-depth needs ana­ly­sis, YachtSupport.de tog­e­ther with its Ger­man and Dutch part­ners imple­ment the customer’s ide­as and visi­ons for a new yacht or ship of the hig­hest qua­li­ty.


Yacht and Ship new Con­struc­tions
Do you have an idea or a con­cre­te new buil­ding pro­ject? Then YachtSupport.de is your per­fect place to go. Tog­e­ther with our cer­ti­fied and pro­fes­sio­nal net­work, we’ll assist you in every pos­si­ble way in the imple­men­ta­ti­on of new yacht or ship con­struc­tions in Euro­pe for ves­sels of almost all types and clas­si­fi­ca­ti­ons.

The new con­struc­tion of yachts and ships is car­ri­ed out by YachtSupport.de in Ger­man-Dutch coope­ra­ti­on with the Ger­man area of respon­si­bi­li­ty typi­cal­ly inclu­ding con­struc­tion, engi­nee­ring and admi­nis­tra­ti­on. This pai­red with the Dutch and Ger­man art, know­ledge and tra­di­ti­on of ship­buil­ding results in a pro­duct that is of world-class qua­li­ty.

The YachtSupport.de part­ners from the ship­buil­ding and yacht buil­ding sec­tor spe­cia­li­ze exclu­si­ve­ly in the con­struc­tion of metal hulls made of alu­mi­num or steel wit­hout the use of com­po­si­te mate­ri­als. YachtSupport.de works in coope­ra­ti­on with our part­ners to pro­vi­de an initi­al com­pe­tent needs ana­ly­sis for the custo­mer befo­re they place their order and con­struc­tion begins. We always act in line with the customer’s wis­hes and work to ensu­re a disci­pli­ned struc­tu­re from the out­set, some­thing reflec­tive of Ger­man engi­nee­ring. The high level of qua­li­ty and timing throughout the con­struc­tion pha­se is gua­ran­te­ed by the invol­ve­ment of crea­ti­ve and spe­cia­li­zed yacht and ship desi­gners who work in sym­bio­sis with the most renow­ned desi­gners in the indus­try.

When imple­men­ting con­struc­tion pro­jec­ts, we work only with selec­ted and cer­ti­fied part­ners who are know­led­ge­ab­le in their respec­tive fields of ship or yacht con­struc­tion, ensu­ring full con­trol over qua­li­ty and timing in every con­struc­tion pha­se.

This means that custo­mers at YachtSupport.de can lean back and relax in all aspec­ts of ship or yacht new buil­ding, and have more time to devo­te them­sel­ves to their visi­ons, wis­hes and ide­as tog­e­ther with our spe­cia­lists.

Cus­to­mi­zed new yachts:
New yachts and ships are built in accordance with the customer’s ide­as and visi­ons. This inclu­des sai­ling yachts, hybrid yachts, explo­rers, per­for­mance yachts, Medi­ter­ra­ne­an motor yachts and many other types of ves­sels.

Typi­cal buil­ding enqui­ries for luxu­ry and mega yachts:
Self-righ­t­ing all-wea­ther pro­tec­tion yachts that offer nume­rous safe­ty fea­tures inclu­ding a pira­te pro­of, armo­red and bul­let­pro­of con­struc­tion and an active yacht defen­se sys­tem. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we offer per­for­mance motor yachts, pri­va­te sub­ma­ri­nes and floa­ting islands to name but a few.

Com­mer­ci­al ves­sels:
Search and res­cue units, fire­boats, and yacht sup­port ves­sels to name but a few.

You have ques­ti­ons or sug­ges­ti­ons. Then con­tact the team of YachtSupport.de. Via e-mail, tele­pho­ne, or any­ti­me via Whats­App.

sui­ta­ble ser­vices

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