REGISTER as a certified Partner from


Is this also your
affi­ni­ty in yach­t­ing ?

It’s not just a job,
it’s a desti­ny

Then let us cer­ti­fy your as a qua­li­fied YachtSupport.de Part­ner


Requi­re­ments for
Part­ner cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on

  • Real affi­ni­ty to yach­t­ing

  • Own loca­ti­on is in Euro­pe

  • Lan­guage & Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on
    nati­ve lan­guage – A must is good Eng­lish for com­pa­nies and custo­mer con­tact

  • Means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on
    email, whats­app, sky­pe, ms-office, mobil­p­ho­ne and euro­pe pos­tal address

  • Veri­fia­ble refe­ren­ces
    from custo­mers or part­ners about qua­li­ty, ser­vices, indus­try know­ledge or own evi­dence from mari­ti­me pro­jec­ts

  • Eco­no­mic sta­bi­li­ty
    suc­cess­ful­ly self-employ­ed or com­pa­ny exists in the mari­ti­me yacht sec­tor for more than 3 years

  • Insuran­ce & Com­pa­ny Regis­tra­ti­on
    Crew mem­bers or self-employ­ed with appro­pria­te cer­ti­fi­ca­tes (STCW) as a com­pa­ny or craft­s­man with appro­pria­te insuran­ce

  • You can con­firm the­se points?
    then send this form for initi­al con­tact to us

Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Request